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Food Network | India Today August 2013

"Archana who hails from Coimbatore is a women of many talents. Apart from being an excellent cook she is also a food photographer. Archana who trained as a software engineer made th move from coding to conducting online cooking classes when motherhood came calling"

Published in Media

KitchenAid® India: Diwali Recipe Contest and Giveaway

  Calling all bloggers, home chefs, home makers and passionate cooks, to come and submit your best Diwali Recipes that are passed on to you through friends, family, mothers, grandmothers and more. And the lucky one who enters the contest will win the KitchenAid® Pro Line® Series 5-Speed Cordless Hand Blender, the 2nd and 3rd winners will get the KitchenAid® 3.5 Cup Food Chopper by KitchenAid India. 

Published in Articles and Contests

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Published in About Archana

Recipe Contest Giveaway: Cooking In A Hurry

  Are you someone who hates spending much time cooking in the kitchen, no matter what the meal or even the occasion? Do you think you can put together an amazing mix of healthy ingredients in just 30 minutes that will leave your family and friends hungering for more? If you are, then this is just the right chance to show your skills!

Published in Articles and Contests

Thank you for the Recipe

Hi  Thank you for submitting the recipe. Your submitted recipe will be reviewed and uploaded on the website.  Once the recipe is goes live on the website, an email will be sent to you with the recipe link. You can then share it with friends and family and all the other social networks you use. Thank You Archana

Published in Contributors

Economic Times July 2013

Archana Doshi who runs Archana's Kitchen, conducts online cooking classes on Google Hangouts. Her website gets a lot of visitors globally - 2.8 million last count. "It has helped me network with a lot of women" Google India is launching its Women Entrepreneurs on the Web (WeOW) initiative to help women entrepreneurs connect, grow their online presence and utilise Google products to launch and scale their businesses in tier-II and tier-III towns. The latest initiative comes 18 months after its launch ...

Published in Media

Food Event: Breakfast in 30 Minutes

  Breakfast in 30 Minutes was an initiative to help you to get inspired to cooking home cooked healthy foods to begin a healthy start to your day. Browse through the delicious collection of wholesome and healthy breakfast recipes that can be prepared in your own kitchen with just a little preparation. Giving time for breakfast each day is very important. It is impotant that we try and avoid eating processed or ready to makes foods that are available in the market.

Published in Articles and Contests

DNA July 2011

Published in Media

Deccan Chronicle July 2011


Published in Media

Elle India May 2011

Published in Media

LiveMint July 6th 2011

Published in Media

LiveMint October 2010

Published in Media

DNA November 2011

Published in Media