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Chai Recipes
Chai Recipes
चाय मसाला पाउडर रेसिपी - Indian Tea Masala Powder Recipe
चाय मसाला पाउडर रेसिपी एक खुसबू से भरपूर रेसीपी है जिसका चाय बनाने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है. हर घर...
कश्मीरी स्टाइल नून चाय रेसिपी - Kashmiri Style Noon Chai Recipe
Aarti Sharma
कश्मीरी स्टाइल नून चाय रेसिपी, एक प्रसिद्ध चाय है जिसे कश्मीर के हर घर में बनाया जाता है. इस चाय का रंग...
अदरक चाय रेसिपी - Adrak Chai Recipe
Archana Doshi
अदरक चाय तीखी और स्वादिष्ट चाय है जिसमे कसे हुए अदरक का प्रयोग किया जाता है. आप इस चाय को तब भी बना सकते है...
Kesar Chai Recipe - A Delicious Saffron Flavored Indian Tea
Archana Doshi
Kesar Chai Recipe is a comforting drink had during a Tea Time snack or even for a morning breakfast. The...
Gulkand Chai Recipe - A Delicious Rose Flavored Indian Tea
Archana Doshi
Gulkand Chai Recipe is a comforting drink had during a Tea Time snack or even for a morning breakfast....
Kashmiri Style Noon Chai Recipe - Pink Tea
Aarti Sharma
Kashmiri Style Noon Chai Recipe, is a traditional tea from the land of Kashmir. This tea is pink in colour...
Banana Walnut Chai Smoothie Recipe
Banana Walnut Chai Smoothie makes for a delicious healthy smoothie which will give you an instant boost of...
Authentic Adrak Chai Recipe - Learn How to Make Indian Style Ginger Tea at Home
Archana Doshi
The Adrak Chai Recipe is a spicy and delicious version of the Indian style tea that is flavored with...
Indian Tea Masala Powder
Indian Chai masala powder is an aromatic spice powder used for making masala tea. Indian tea is a common...